This dynamic method is the basis of this book with the title Rune Magic and Shamanism - Original Nordic Knowledge from Mother Earth. It is written by Jörgen I Eriksson who has been working with the runes within the Nordic shamanic tradition since the early 1980’s. The runes possess a great inherent power. They are doorways to Dreamtime and do express the totality of all knowledge that is dispersed everywhere. The runes are one of the sacred rites originating from the holy beings of Dreamtime and they can be utilized to bring harmony and balance to humans, animals, plants and minerals. The runes are a sacrament in Nordic shamanism and by combining the runes with other shamanic methods such as vision quests, ceremonies, sejd and magical singing this shamanic tradition can manifest its full potential.
Rune Magic and Shamanism describes the runes as processes, their origins and meanings and how they can be used as an excellent tool in order to think and act in beauty. The runes represent knowledge spoken directly by Mother Earth with no intermediaries. The aim of this book is to be a manual to the shaman’s philosophy.
More on the book on norrshaman where you can also find a lengthy text on the runes as a shamanic tool from Dreamtime.